Possible Northern Lights in Belgium Thursday and Friday evening

2023-11-30 21:04:17

A powerful solar storm has been predicted by the Space Weather Service, reports the Newspaper. Earlier this month, these types of storms caused astonishing images of the Northern Lights in Belgium. Due to the size of this storm, the auroras could reach our country again during the two nights of Thursday and Friday.

According to experts, the chances of observing the Northern Lights in Belgium are higher than at the start of the month. However, due to the unfavorable weather (fog and clouds), the conditions are not ideal for seeing them.

It is best to isolate yourself in a dark place with a clear view. If the Northern Lights can be observed in phases, some can last fifteen minutes, while others can sometimes be seen for around thirty minutes.

Other solar storms are expected in the coming weeks as the season is in full swing. This is a peak of solar activity that occurs approximately every ten years.

Furthermore, it is possible that particles from the solar storm interact with satellites, which can cause breakdowns in navigation systems or radio communications.

#Northern #Lights #Belgium #Thursday #Friday #evening

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