Preserved non-starchy vegetables increase the risk of stomach cancer

Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, causing nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, and this despite billions of investments in finding a cure, however, progress is afoot and one encouraging area is risk reduction.

Diet is a subject of ongoing research, but a number of items have been shown to increase the risk of cancer. expressOne of the most surprising discoveries is that preserved non-starchy vegetables can increase the risk of stomach cancer.

In a comprehensive analysis evaluation conducted by the International Cancer Foundation, the cancer charity (WCRF).Food preservation can be defined as the process of processing and handling food in a way that stops or significantly slows down spoilage and avoids foodborne illness while preserving its nutritional value, texture and flavor..

To maximize the life of food, it is often salted and pickled – a process that is believed to lead to the development of stomach cancer.

according to WCRF Animal models have shown that high salt levels alter the viscosity of the mucus that protects the stomach and promotes the formation of compounds N-nitrous.

The Cancer Charity warns that “in addition, high salt intake may stimulate colonization of H. pylori, the strongest known risk factor for stomach cancer.”“.

What is considered a non-starchy vegetable?

Vegetables can be divided into groups according to their individual starch content.

Examples of non-starchy vegetables include the following:

  • Carrots, beets, parsnips, kale, and Sweden as well as green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and lettuce)

  • Cruciferous vegetables (the cabbage family, for example, broccoli, cabbage, and watercress

  • Vegetables (such as onions, garlic, and leeks).

Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and taro contain higher levels of carbohydrates than non-starchy vegetables..

Growing evidence illustrates risks associated with salting and pickling foods, as a study published in the British Journal of Cancer found that people who eat a regular diet of highly salty foods double their risk of stomach cancer.

The study showed that the risk of stomach cancer in Japanese men who had the least amount of salt was 1 in 1,000 people per year. This doubled to one in 500 among those with the highest salt intake.

The main symptoms of stomach cancer

There are many possible symptoms of stomach cancer, but they can be difficult to detect.

according to NHS , can affect the digestive process, such as:

  • Heartburn or acid reflux

  • Having problems swallowing

  • feeling sick

  • Indigestion symptoms such as frequent belching

  • Feeling full very quickly when eating.

Other symptoms include:

  • Loss of appetite or weight loss without trying

  • A lump in the upper abdomen

  • Pain in the upper part of your abdomen

  • Feeling tired or lacking in energy.

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