Preventing Stroke: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention Tips

2024-03-21 09:15:52

▲ A 20-year-old man suffered a stroke due to a torn carotid artery after eating wave cakes. The doctor said that 2 million brain cells are killed every minute.

[Stroke/Stroke/Signs/Symptoms/Self-Assessment/Paralysis/Vegetative]Stroke is the fourth killer in Hong Kong. In 2020, 3,165 registered deaths in Hong Kong were caused by stroke, 51.7% of which were male. Wu Bingrong, an honorary consultant at the Department of Neurology at Sanatorium & Hospital, once shared a case in an interview with TOPick. He once encountered a boy in his 20s who was hit in the neck by a ball during a kick, causing a tear in the aorta and leaving half of his body unable to move. He was sent to hospital. A stroke was confirmed after the hospital. Dr. Wu said that stroke is one of the main causes of permanent disability in adults. If a main cerebral blood vessel is blocked, about 2 million brain cells will die every minute. The loss of body functions caused by stroke depends on the damage to the brain. s position.

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Dr. Wu said that stroke can be divided into “ischemic stroke” and “hemorrhagic stroke”. About 80% of patients are ischemic stroke, caused by cerebral blood vessel embolism; while hemorrhagic stroke, commonly known as “burst blood vessel”, is caused by cerebral vascular embolism. Caused by burst blood vessels and bleeding.

There are many high-risk factors for stroke, most of which are caused by arteriosclerosis and the three highs (hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia). Staying up late frequently and lacking sleep will also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure, and indirectly increase the chance of stroke.

Stroke trend among younger people

In recent years, strokes have been trending younger. In addition to the three factors, Dr. Wu pointed out that some younger stroke cases are not caused by traditional factors and require detailed examination to find out the cause, such as malformed hemangioma, aortic tear, immune system Disease, etc. He shared that he once met a boy in his 20s who was hit in the neck by a ball during a kick, causing a torn aorta and leaving half of his body unable to move. He was confirmed to have had a stroke after being sent to the hospital. After treatment, the patient regained his mobility and did not need the help of others to walk. However, due to the affected mobility of his hands and feet and his unstable running, he was unable to kick the ball again.

Stroke symptoms

According to information from the Department of Health, “stroke” is a “cerebrovascular accident”. Due to the obstruction or bursting of blood vessels in the brain, the brain tissue cannot receive enough nutrients and oxygen, and the affected nerve cells die as a result, resulting in various neurological symptoms. Symptoms of stroke include hemiplegia, slurred speech, crooked mouth, slanted eyes, difficulty swallowing, incontinence, numbness, drooling, and in severe cases, coma or death.

One trick to determine the signs of stroke

Dr. Wu said that most strokes are sudden, but before a stroke occurs, especially ischemic stroke, about 15 to 20% of patients have experienced a mini-stroke. The symptoms of a mini-stroke are the same as those of a stroke. Patients and others may Diagnose the symptoms of stroke through the formula of “talking, laughing and fighting”.

Talk: The patient suddenly becomes unclear in speech.

Smile: The patient’s facial expression is uncoordinated or the mouth is crooked

Used for: numbness or weakness in half of the hands and feet, or unsteadiness when walking

Bing: When the above symptoms appear, you should seek help as soon as possible and call the police for help.

stroke severity

Dr. Wu mentioned that stroke is one of the main causes of permanent disability in adults. If a main cerebral blood vessel is blocked, about 2 million brain cells will die every minute. The loss of body functions caused by stroke depends on the damage to the brain. damaged location. If a stroke occurs in the left side of the brain, it will affect the mobility of the right side of the body, and vice versa. In addition, since the language area of ​​most people is in the left brain, if the language area is affected, it may lead to aphasia. If the cerebellum is damaged, it will affect the patient’s balance ability; if the visual area of ​​the back of the brain is damaged, it will cause semi-blindness and visual field defects.

In addition, some patients are bedridden for a long time and unable to move around on their own, which may cause complications, such as pneumonia and venous thrombosis of the lower limbs, leading to pulmonary embolism and increasing the risk of other infections. He added that since stroke can cause impairment in brain function and may result in cognitive impairment, it is common for stroke patients to suffer from cognitive impairment.

Stroke Prevention Tips

Dr. Wu advises the public to have regular check-ups and monitor their physical condition; to exercise regularly; to keep their diet as light as possible, with more vegetables and less meat, and seasonings with “less oil, less salt, and less sugar”; and smokers should quit smoking as soon as possible.

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Editor in charge: Luo Jiaxin

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