“Preventing the Proliferation of Tiger Mosquitoes: Tips and Information from CPIE Quercy-Garonne”

2023-05-04 17:56:00

the essential
Around the exhibition “Zoom on the tiger mosquito”, the intervention of the Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives (CPIE) was of great interest on Thursday, to the family gardens of Caussade… especially since these harmful insects do not will soon resume their activity!

The Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives (CPIE) Quercy-Garonne, in partnership with the town hall of Caussade, came to present, Thursday morning, at the allotment gardens, an exhibition entitled “Zoom on the tiger mosquito” and animated by Karine Bailet, project manager. Through games, observations and information, the participants learned to recognize the tiger mosquito, to understand its life cycle and to adopt the right actions to prevent its proliferation.

What you need to know is that the female tiger mosquito lays her eggs dry, on the walls of all types of containers, often very small, that can collect water. It is the contact of water (rain or watering) with the eggs that causes them to hatch. These containers are all potential breeding grounds for the development of larvae.

In individual or collective housing, they abound and they are random in space and time. It is therefore impossible to identify and map them, to prospect and methodically treat the larvae they contain; also impossible to treat this mosquito in the adult state to ensure comfort.

The only solution is to deprive it of water by emptying, covering, cleaning and tidying up.

The only insecticide available for this purpose should be reserved for public health operations, since its short duration of action would require repetitive use which would make mosquitoes resistant. There would then no longer be any means of preventing possible vectorial transmissions. The only solution is to deprive it of water by emptying, covering, cleaning and tidying up.

The tiger mosquito is an insect implanted in 71 of the 96 metropolitan departments, including the 13 departments of Occitanie. It is a very harmful and it can represent a health threat because of its capacity to transmit the dengue fever and the chikungunya or the zika.

During her life, the female can lay several hundred eggs, generally in 6 clutches. When a mosquito is infective, it stays that way all its life. Through its bites, it can then transmit the virus to many people.
This animation was financed by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Occitanie, led by Graine Occitanie.

Contact: CPIE Quercy-Garonne, Al Païs de Boneta association, Karine Bailet, by email: [email protected] or on 07 70 00 02 69.
Internet : https://www.cpiequercygaronne.fr/

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