Price discrimination in hotel reservations is everywhere. Make good use of VPN and spend smartly to avoid unnecessary expenses – Hong Kong

2024-03-19 11:00:53

I believe that many of my friends are now accustomed to online shopping, or booking flights, hotels, etc. online before traveling. However, it turns out that online shopping often involves so-called “price discrimination”, that is, the same product is priced differently in different regions. In this case, using a VPN is the best solution. You can effectively find the lowest price and spend smartly. Just wait for the editor to explain how to do it.

Hotel accommodation is prone to price discrimination

One of the most common places where price discrimination occurs is when booking a hotel. To put it simply, the hotel reservation platform or website will determine the location based on the visitor’s IP, and visitors from different countries will be shown different prices, forming “price discrimination.” Generally speaking, users will not notice it, but use a VPN to switch. If you look at countries, you will find that prices can vary greatly.

▲ Using Indonesian and German servers, the difference between the same hotel on the same date is several hundred euros

There are many reasons for this, such as currency fluctuations, which means that the value of a currency changes over time, sometimes dramatically, and exchange rate fluctuations can significantly affect prices in different regions. Or because the company that operates the booking platform is located, the service provider may offer lower prices in its own country, so servers in the countries where these platforms are located are worth trying.

There’s a secret trick to switching server locations

Of course, if you are looking for the lowest price, you can just change regions from time to time, because in many cases the price difference will not be huge, but you can save more if you find the right region. In addition to the location of the platform operator mentioned above, there are also some tips to easily find cheaper areas. For example, you can try European countries because they can sometimes offer the lowest prices compared to other regions. In addition, the UK is also an area prone to low prices, and sometimes the prices shown are even lower than those booked from Europe. Finally, you can also try to use the server of the travel destination. For example, if you want to book a hotel in Thailand, try connecting to the Thai server.

▲ Another example is that Airbnb uses servers in Brazil and Germany. There can also be a difference of 30 euros per day.

It is worth noting that after finding a suitable price, you should not rush to make an appointment immediately, but continue to test, such as comparing on different devices. For example, sometimes a Mac computer will display a higher price than a Windows computer. In addition, you can also try to price without logging in as a platform member. Currency is also a factor worth paying attention to. Some platforms will offer automatic currency conversion services, but exchange rates are often higher than with credit cards, and checking out in local currency usually results in cheaper prices. In addition, remember to clear cookies when pricing, otherwise it will be tracked by the platform and all your previous efforts will be wasted.

Make good use of tools and get twice the result with half the effort

To find the best price, it naturally takes a lot of time to compare different regions and platforms. Although it saves money, it may be quite troublesome for many friends. There is a tool called “RatePunk” that can help users compare prices on different booking platforms and even device settings for free. It can even sometimes show which area is the cheapest, saving a lot of time.

▲ For example, in this London hotel, you can see that the prices are different when using Japanese IP and using European and American IP.

Of course, a good VPN service is also indispensable. One of the largest VPN brands Surfshark VPN Recently, a limited-time offer has been launched. If you choose a 2-year service plan, you can get an 83% discount and an additional 2 months free. In addition, there is an unconditional refund within 30 days, and there is no upper limit on the number of connected devices at the same time. If you want to be smart and price-conscious when traveling, A good choice. Details can be found on the official website:click this link

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