primaries are requested even from the ruling party – La Discusión 2024-04-22 00:58:35

This Wednesday is the deadline for parties to register their pacts and candidacies for mayoral and gubernatorial primaries, and in the Ñuble region, there is a commune that will surely have an uncertain fate until the last minute.

This is the capital of Punilla, San Carlos, where the re-election candidacy of the socialist Gastón Suazo is not yet defined.

Although everything indicates that it should be ratified, another leadership emerged within its own community: that of the councilor, Rafael de La Cuadra, who made his name available.

At the same time, from the Communist Party, they have also raised the figure of Councilor Lorena Polanco, first majority in 2021, all intentions that must be evaluated by the official parties at the national level.

“They are still in negotiations, therefore, I cannot report anything that is not official,” said the regional president of the PS, Brígida Hormazábal, yesterday.

A day before, the regional secretary of the Communist Party, Elizabeth Ferrada, declared to LA DISCUSIÓN that “where agreements are not reached, we will reach the democratic mechanism of primaries, which must be registered before April 10, therefore, we are waiting of the agreements that occur at the national level. Along these lines, and in conversations with some government parties, we have raised pre-candidates for mayors in Coihueco, San Carlos and Chillán. In these last two communes we will go to primaries, if this is how the national agreements resolve it,” she mentioned.

Meanwhile, outside the traditional center-left pacts and collecting signatures is the former PPD deputy and former mayoral candidate, Felipe Letelier, who aspires to reach the ballot in October.

Chile Let’s go

The mother of all battles has been described as the mayoral election in San Carlos by Chile Vamos.

This is because the UDI will fight to the end for its right to take the second majority councilor, Jorge Silva, taking into account that the commune is currently in the hands of the ruling party, and previously, its mayor RN was dismissed by Tricel. Furthermore, a stumbling block would be that the community’s candidate, Nayaret Domínguez, is the partner of the former communal chief, Hugo Gebrie.

“We have a very well-positioned candidate like Jorge Silva, who has been a councilor for three terms and who has fully fulfilled the mission and function that a councilor has, which is to supervise. I am not a supporter of primaries, and I will defend to the end that they are not held, because they are managed. We already experienced it years ago in some commune, where the one who has more money brings more people to go vote, and unfortunately, in the end the candidate with the least chance of being a good mayor comes out. We have faith and confidence that our candidate is excellent, that he has done an immeasurable job, he has done a conscientious job, and the people of San Carlos know it,” said Isabel Troncoso, regional president of the UDI.

The senator, Gustavo Sanhueza, expressed something similar.

“We are making every effort to make Jorge Silva the sole candidate for mayor in the commune of San Carlos. We know that Jorge’s career from the point of view of oversight, but also his journey throughout the commune will allow him to have a great electoral victory in the month of October. That is why we have ruled out having a primary in that commune, because it has been receiving different support from people of different political colors, of different sensitivities, and that is one of the great strengths that Jorge Silva has today to become the next mayor. of San Carlos. In conversations that we have had with different actors from Chile Vamos and other political conglomerates, the fact that primaries are not held in that commune has been gaining increasing strength. This has also been stated by the mayoral candidate himself, Jorge Silva. We respect that decision, and as UDI, we are going to play until the end because that is what it is,” he stated.

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From RN, meanwhile, the regional president of the community, Rodrigo González, stated that “we find the situation complex, since the best way to resolve these cases is always the primaries. If the UDI candidate wants to be mayor, of course he has to win the primaries, which is a good first instance, and from the beginning we have said that in all the communes where we do not agree, we have primaries, because we are a party much more democratic. We believe that verbal agreements are never so positive, therefore, we are proposing primaries,” he stated.

Regarding Nayaret Domínguez, he stated that “indeed, she is the wife of a former mayor, which I don’t see what the problem is. If he (Silva) wants to be elected, he has to win all the internal processes, and the first and most democratic of all is the primary,” she stated.

On the same topic, the RN deputy, Frank Sauerbaum, asserted that “the information I have is that there would be a primary in San Carlos, because Renovación Nacional and Evópoli – with the former candidate for mayor, Rubén Méndez – would already be registered, for Therefore, we call on all people who today feel dissatisfied with the current leadership of the commune of San Carlos, to register for this Chile Vamos primary, where only one candidate will be elected. If you really intend to win the commune, you have to act in unity, because so far there would be six or seven candidates competing with the current mayor of the government, and therefore, that is going to condemn us to failure. “I call for unity, to let the people choose the best candidate, and we will be behind him to be able to support him if he legitimately gains the support of the citizens of San Carlos,” he stated.

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