Promoting Active Mobility: A conversation with Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Mobility, Georges Gilkinet about Renewable Energy, Pedestrian Safety, Tax Reform, and More

2023-04-23 03:48:00

The scene is set, as on weekdays, as soon as he can, Georges Gilkinet, Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Mobility takes his bike and also his walking shoes. Throughout the interview, he will also talk to us regarding renewable energy, nuclear power, tax reform…

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“On Sundays, I take an hour or two to walk with my wife and friends in Adeps marches to decompress, to evacuate toxins. This is crazy good. I can meet people differently. Sometimes I also go for walks alone. Our country has 11 million walkers. They are among those mobile people who must be better taken into account in public policies and better protected. »

Weak users?

“I don’t like the term weak users. I’m talking regarding people who practice active mobility. »

What can you do for them?

“We are launching a major survey on pedestrians on the site from this Sunday. It only takes 15 minutes to answer the questions and the public has until June 30 to do so. The results of the barometer, published in October 2023, will allow us to have indicators. We do this with the three associations that represent pedestrians: tous à pied, voetgangers beweging and walk…”

Why this survey?

“The beginning of any public policy is to measure and identify needs. The covid has shown the interest of the general public. Walking is good for mental and physical health. In town, it is the most efficient means of transport. The idea is to have more information on their needs, their reality in order to be able to better manage public policies in terms of security and lighting in particular. For example, we do exploratory walks with women in cities to identify the places that are most at risk for them.”

In your policies, how do you integrate walking?

“In accessibility to stations, walking takes priority. I also want to revise the traffic code for pedestrians to make it a street code because mobility should not be car-centric. »

A street code?

“By the end of the legislature, I will have put a new street code on the table with a modernization of the rules for respecting road safety. My role as Minister for Mobility is to help everyone make the decision. The street code will be a toolbox to give municipal or regional officials all the tools to better protect active users, pedestrians and cyclists. For example, this will make it possible to provide enough benches for the elderly on the hiking trails so that they can sit down…Or even to promote cohabitation between bicycles and pedestrians. »

Do you still have a cycling dream?

“I am working to make 2024 the European year of the bicycle. »

#review #traffic #code #pedestrians #street #code

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