Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace: Strategies for Well-Being and Productivity

2023-10-27 21:03:19

Mental health in the workplace manifests itself in the search for a balance between the well-being and quality of life of employees. Therefore, a large number of workers must feel supported, valued and satisfied in the execution of their tasks, which, in turn, translates into a more productive, focused and resilient work environment.

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Importance of workplace well-being in a company

According to data from the Ministry of Health (MINSA), between January and July of this year, a total of 911,330 cases of mental health disorders and psychosocial problems have been registered. This figure not only draws the attention of people, but also of the companies and organizations where employees spend most of their time.

Companies play a fundamental role in caring for mental health, prioritizing psychological well-being and creating work environments that promote emotional stability, reducing stress and conflicts at work.

In these cases, it is essential to promote practices that allow employees to disconnect from work outside of working hours to contribute to a more comfortable environment in the company.

Giancarlo Ameghino, Management and Human Development Manager of the Crosland Group, highlights that “the work environment is a crucible of human relations, which consists of promoting mental health to establish a more harmonious work environment, in which employees feel more valued and supported. This, in turn, strengthens team spirit and fosters a positive and collaborative environment.”

How to improve workplace well-being? Photo: Diffusion

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Keys to improving mental health at work

Therefore, the expert proposes four ways to take care of mental health in the workplace:

Encourage open communication: It involves the ability to actively listen and express oneself honestly and directly to foster trust between supervisors and collaborators. Manage workload: It is important to learn to say “no” when necessary to establish priorities and prevent tasks accumulate and generate stress. Promote social interaction: It involves interacting with other collaborators and the work environment to establish meaningful long-term connections. Promote physical activity and adequate rest: Maintain a physical activity routine and ensure adequate rest They are essential to maintain energy and well-being.

For her part, Fernanda Gobbo, Human Resources Manager at Natura and Avon, also proposes other initiatives to implement in the workplace and take care of the mental health of collaborators.

Foster a culture of support and communication: It is essential to create a supportive work environment. This means that employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns and challenges, which in turn helps reduce the stigma around mental health. Provide free, comprehensive counseling: This should cover aspects such as mental health and nutrition. fundamental. This provides employees with a valuable resource to address the emotional and physical challenges in their lives, promoting their overall well-being. Schedule Flexibility: Allows employees to balance their work and personal lives, contributing to their well-being and sense of well-being. assessment. This includes benefits such as a half-day off on Fridays and schedules that adapt to individual needs. Medical security and financial options: As well as emergency loans, it is essential to protect the physical health and reduce financial stress of employees. Days off on special dates: Recognizing significant events in employees’ lives and granting specific days off for these occasions demonstrates a genuine commitment to their well-being.
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