Pronation: the process for choosing the right shoes

2023-08-24 07:46:11

For any running enthusiast, finding the perfect shoes for their feet goes far beyond appearance. Pronation, the natural movement of the foot when running, is a key factor to consider for running sessions that guarantee comfort and performance. We invite you to discover here how to choose your running shoes adapted to your pronation.

Pronation: what is it?

Pronation is the term to describe how your foot naturally rolls inward during each running stride. It might sound technical, but it’s actually quite simple: your foot doesn’t act like a rigid block, it flexes and moves. Understanding whether you have neutral pronation, overpronation, or underpronation is the first step to finding the right shoes for your feet. Click here to learn more about pronator shoes.

How important is pronation?

Imagine running in shoes that don’t match your pronation style. This can lead to imbalances, pain, and even injury over time. The right running shoes are designed to support your natural pronation and promote a more efficient and comfortable stride.

To find out your pronation style, you can try the wet foot method: wet your feet, then walk on a surface where your footprint is clearly visible. A slightly inward curved footprint indicates neutral pronation. A more pronounced indentation corresponds to over-pronation. When the impression shows very little rolling, it is underpronation.

The choice of shoes adapted to your pronation

Once you have identified your pronation, you can choose your running shoes. For neutral pronators, stability shoes are often ideal. Overpronators will benefit from shoes with good support to prevent the foot from rolling inward too much.

Underpronators should opt for shoes that offer extra cushioning to compensate for the lack of inward roll. Moreover, other comparisons could help you make the best choices.

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