Protecting Dementia Patients from Heatwaves: Tips and Precautions to Keep Them Safe

2023-07-02 23:33:14

Decreased ability to detect heat and dehydration

Enter 2023.07.03 08:33 Hits 3 Enter 2023.07.03 08:33 Hits 3 People with dementia are particularly vulnerable to the summer heat. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Heatwaves can create particularly dangerous conditions for vulnerable people, such as those suffering from illness. Experts say, “Among them, dementia patients are one of the most vulnerable groups.” They said, “This is because people with dementia may not realize that heat-related illness has occurred.

“Heat heat is especially dangerous for people with dementia because dementia impairs the ability to recognize if heat stroke or dehydration is occurring,” Jennifer Leader, director of education and social services at the Alzheimer’s Foundation (AFA), told Health Day. ”he said. “Families and caregivers should be aware of some steps needed to keep people with dementia safe during the hot summer months,” he added.

First of all, dementia patients should be prevented from wandering outside. Extreme heat can cause heat-related illnesses within minutes, including heat stroke. Experts say, “In order to keep people active and healthy, there are ways to create safe walking trails around the house or indoor activities such as music, crafts and games.”

Along with this, in case someone with dementia wanders off, attach a name tag with contact information to their clothes, and keep up-to-date photos and medical information with familiar destinations to share with first responders.

Also, since people with dementia may have a reduced ability to feel thirsty, it is important for people around them to monitor their fluid intake. During the summer months, you should be encouraged to drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages that can cause dehydration.

“Excessive sweating, fatigue, muscle cramps, rapid pulse, headaches, dizziness, nausea, sudden changes in mental status, and hot or red skin are warning signs of heat stroke,” experts said. You need to take off your clothes, apply cold compresses, and drink water while taking a break,” he said. In particular, if you pass out, show signs of excessive confusion, or are unconscious, call 911 for help.

#People #Dementia #Dangerous #Heatwaves

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