“Protecting Your Child from HMPV Infection: A Pediatrician’s Warning and Advice”

2023-05-10 08:33:00

A 4-year-old Taiwanese boy has a high fever for several days. Found pneumonia – infected with Hmpv without a vaccine The doctor warned him to rush to the hospital. repeat the epidemic during the rainy season

Medical cases that are going viral Ready to serve as an example for many parents to watch out for and observe their own babies well. If you have fleas, cough, runny nose, it may not be just a general fever.

Dr. Lin Zhiwei, a pediatrician, shared the medical case on a Facebook page, recounting how the four-year-old had a 39-degree fever for several days and had a cough, runny nose and mild sore throat. later on the third day The parents examined the child and found that the fever gradually subsided, but did not expect that two days later the child would have a higher fever.

On Day 5 of illness, parents took their children to the hospital for check-ups, where X-rays were reported showing pneumonia and microbiological evidence of human interstitial pneumonia virus (hMPV). )

Dr. Lin Zhiwei stated that although there is currently no vaccine to prevent HMPV infection. Some patients had a high fever for several days. In some cases, the fever did not subside until the 7th day and the characteristic that caused pneumonia could not be overlooked.

Dr. Lin Zhiwei also warned that people with asthma, respiratory allergies and other diseases should pay more attention. The number of cases of fever and pneumonia is expected to increase significantly in the near future.

HMPV virus It is a new type of virus that infects the human respiratory system discovered by a Dutch scholar in 2001. It tends to thicken during the rainy and winter seasons. Immunocompromised young children, the elderly, and people with underlying medical conditions such as lung disease, immunocompromised disease, cancer, etc. can develop severe infections and even respiratory failure.

Symptoms exists from flu-like Cough and nasal congestion are the most common clinical symptoms. Until the severe stage of bronchitis called Bronchiolitis, pneumonia. Most treatments are palliative treatment according to the patient’s symptoms, such as sputum suction, nebulization, lung tapping, intravenous fluid administration. and no special antiviral drugs or immunoglobulins are used.

Preventing HMPV Infection Therefore, the same principle is used to prevent other respiratory infections, namely, wash your hands thoroughly. Do not touch your nose or mouth with your hands. do not mingle with patients Including always wearing a hygienic mask

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