Protein intake affects body size – healing practice

Height growth in girls influenced by protein intake

which height we achieve in adulthood is believed to be primarily genetic, but other factors may also play a role. According to a new study, this is how it plays nutrition and especially the protein intake an essential role – at least in the growth of girls.

Already a protein intake of seven grams above the recommendations for daily protein intake, height in girls can increase one centimetre increase, reports researchers University of Bonn from their current study results. These are published in the specialist magazine “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism“.

Influence of diet on size

That the nutrition can affect physical development, most people are aware. However, in doing so, the connection with the body weight thought and the height is taken for granted.

To what extent nutrition in youth The researchers have now examined in their study what can also influence the size. They focused on possible connections between the height and the protein intake.

Anabolic potency of proteins

“For the first time, the study shows the anabolic potency of the essential nutrient protein with detailed nutritional data over a period from 3 to 17 years of age.”according to the study author Professor Dr. Thomas Remer.

Together with the first author Yifan Hua hat Professor Remer accurate food logs, regular 24-hour urine collections, and specific height measurements from 189 girls and boys evaluated from the age of three.

The protein intake was determined not only via nutritional survey data, but also by measuring the urea-nitrogen excretion in the urine. All data were in DONALD Study Center Dortmund University of Bonn (DOrtmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Ddesignated study).

Effect only detectable in girls

While there was no effect on height in boys and young men due to an increase in protein intake, there was a clear correlation in girls University of Bonn in a press release to the study results.

According to the researchers’ calculations, an average Exceeding intake recommendations by about seven grams of protein per day in girls to one on average size increase by an inch.

Adjusting protein intake to reduce size?

“If no increase in height is desired, girls can even reduce their later adult height by a few centimeters during growth by adapting their protein intake to the recommendations, i.e. by not increasing their protein intake.”stressed Professor Remer.

In boys, on the other hand, protein intake clearly exceeds requirements no growth-promoting effects. “This size effect does not seem to play a decisive role in boys with a protein intake above requirements”reported Yifan Hua.

Apparently, the significantly stronger effect of the sex hormones – including testosterone – on them leaves them growth hormone axis less scope for additional anabolic nutritional effect from protein.

Avoid excessive protein intake

Basically it should Proteinzufuhr are not significantly above the recommendations, for example 48 grams per day for 15 to 17-year-old female adolescents, the researchers emphasize. However, in reality, the daily protein intake is much higher for many children.

“Possible long-term consequences of correspondingly high protein intakes have not yet been satisfactorily researched”warns Professor Remer.

So far only for bone stability in past studies positive correlations with a increased protein intake been observed as long as the fruit and vegetable intake not too low and thus the diet-related acid load was not too high. (fp)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Yifan Hua, Thomas Remer: Adult stature and protein intake during childhood and adolescence from 3 years onward; in: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (veröffentlicht 31.03.2022),
  • University of Bonn: Proteins boost height growth in girls (published 04/07/2022),

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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