Quebec satellites to measure GHGs — 98.5 Montréal

2023-11-13 14:04:22

To measure GHG emissions, the Quebec company GHGStat has just sent a satellite into space with a SpaceX rocket.

Listen to Louis Lacroix’s interview with Stéphane Germain of the company GHGStat on his satellite sent into space.

“To date, emissions have been estimated for all climate change analyzes and our satellites make it possible to directly measure emissions,” explains the company’s founding president, Stéphane Germain.

The size of a microwave oven, satellites take photos and send them back to earth to help identify GHG emissions.

“We now have twelve satellites in orbit and they take photos all over the world. And in the photos, we are looking for stains, traces of presence, of carbon dioxide or methane. And that’s how we can see where the leaks are, where the emissions are, the scale of emissions and we sell this data to operators and governments,” illustrates Mr. Germain.

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