“Rare Case: Teenager’s Testicle Disappears During Golf – Medical Treatment & Recovery”

2023-04-28 10:17:20


His testicle disappears during a game of golf

A 16-year-old boy felt a sharp pain while picking up a ball. He then noticed that he was missing a family jewel, retracted in his abdomen: a rare case.


It was while picking up a ball, without any shock or injury, that the young man experienced this unusual anatomical problem.

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Doctors in Salt Lake City in the United States say so: they were faced with an “extremely unusual case”. A 16 year old young man was playing a game of golf and, as he bent down to pick up his ball, he felt a sharp pain in his groin. Feeling it, he found that his left testicle had disappeared.

At the hospital he went to, tests revealed that the lost testicle had traveled up to his abdomen. As the doctors point out in this case presented in the review «ScienceDirect»if the ascent of testicles can occur before puberty, “a testicle which remained descended until puberty should remain in the scrotum for the rest of a man’s life, barring unexpected injury. On reviewing the patient’s history, they found that he was diagnosed at age 11 with a retractable left testicle, as noted by the «Daily Mail». Which seems to be a factor making this case possible.

Difficult to put back in place

The patient returned to the clinic to put his testicle back in place, under anesthesia. Fortunately, because the process was not easy. “Inferior traction applied to the gubernacular attachments in the scrotum brought the testicle to the level of the internal ring, but its large size prevented the testicle from passing easily through the inguinal canal, describe the doctors. The testicle was finally moved into the inguinal canal with substantial lower gubernacular traction and simultaneous laparoscopic instrument-assisted firm pushing on the testicle. After all these terms and operations that seem complex, the organ has found a position that it should never have left.

Contacted seven months after this operation, the young golfer reported no complications. In conclusion of their article, the authors explain that “spontaneous and rapid and atraumatic transcanalicular testicular translocation (what this boy went through) is an extremely rare phenomenon that can occur in post-pubescent males, and probably at any prepubescent stage. Similar to an ascending testicle, this phenomenon may be associated with a retractile testicle. The translocated testicle must be quickly treated and returned to the scrotal position”.

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