Recognizing risk factors for diabetes type 1 and 2: Here’s how!

Similarities and occurrences of the types of diabetes

The two main to form of the metabolic disease are diabetes mellitus Typ 1 and Typ 2. Although they have different causes and treatment approaches, they also have important similarities. All forms of diabetes are included elevated blood sugar levels accompanied, which is why it is the goal of every therapy, the to lower blood sugar or individually adjusted.

are in Germany just over 7 percent of the adult population suffer from diabetes, of which over 95 percent are affected by type 2 diabetes.[ii] It matters for both forms Insulin a crucial role – i.e. the vital hormone, which for the degradation of supplied through food carbohydrates responsible for.

If diabetes mellitus is present, there is either a deficiency of the important hormone in the body or it cannot fully develop its effect – depending on which form it is. Do you want to prevent the development of the disease? Then you should know which ones causes and risk factors there is for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes: causes and risk factors

Approximately 200,000 people suffer in Germany Type 1 diabetes mellituswith about 2 out of 10,000 new children being added each year.[iii]

You’re probably also asking yourself how you get this form of diabetes and whether it’s possible to avoid risk factors for type 1 diabetes and thus prevent it from developing. But what is the disease actually about and what is the difference to type 2?

The hormone is normally made in the cells of your pancreas Insulin produced. It ensures that Transporting sugar from the blood into the body cells. Insulin lowers blood sugar.

Do you suffer from Diabetes Typ 1Then it will be Too little insulin or no insulin released at all. Die cause there is usually one for this immune response of the bodywhich gradually destroys the corresponding cells of the pancreas (as the pancreas is also called).

Type 1 diabetes occurs usually onset in childhood or early adulthood and can be considered an autoimmune disease hereditary be.[iii] May also include environmental influences or infectious diseases such as measles, mumps or rubella are among the risk factors for type 1 diabetes, but further research is needed in this context.[iii],[iv]

Furthermore, it is possible that too short a breastfeeding period or the complete renunciation of breastfeeding has an impact on how you get type 1 diabetes.[iv] The same applies to introducing too early cow milk or cereal products containing gluten in the supplementary food as well as the contact to different ones toxinswhich can be found in food or cosmetic products, among other things.[iv]

Risk Factors: How Do You Get Type 2 Diabetes?

Although the symptoms of the two variants of the disease are similar, the cause of type 2 diabetes is different. Here will Insulin produces the hormone can its effect however not or not fully develop. The blood sugar does not reach the target organs sufficiently.

Over a period of time, the pancreas usually manages to compensate by releasing more insulin into the bloodstream. But even this mechanism reaches its limits after a while and the blood sugar rises.[v]

In terms of risks, there are significantly more aspects that are in your own hands. Although the metabolic disorder is also partly inherited, the most important risk factors for type 2 diabetes are lifestyle related:

overweight and obesity cause, especially in combination with lack of exercisethat the sugar is not completely transported from the blood to the cells. Not only does blood sugar rise, but a hormonal imbalance of insulin and glucagon occurs, which is responsible for increasing blood sugar levels.[vi] If you are overweight and have a large waist circumference, this has a particularly negative effect and the risk of type 2 diabetes continues to increase.[vi]

Various medication are also among the risk factors for type 2 diabetes, but cannot always be influenced. Preparations containing cortisone have the same effect on blood sugar as the birth control pill, antihypertensive drugs and antidepressants.[vi]

You can prevent

It is important to know that there are risk factors for type 2 diabetes that you can actively influence. This is not the case with the previously presented autoimmune disease. Take your chance and pay attention to a healthy body weight and a varied diet with plenty of fiber and little sugar. Consume stimulants only rarely and actively shape your lifestyle. If you also pay attention to stress management that suits you, you can already reduce some of the causes of diabetes and actively prevent it.


[i] “Diabetes – what is it actually?”, Accessed October 15, 2022.
[ii] “Diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2” Accessed October 15, 2022.
[iii] “Type 1 Diabetes”., Accessed October 15, 2022.
[iv] “Causes & Risk Factors » Type 1 Diabetes » Diseases » Internists on the Net »”., Accessed October 18, 2022.
[v] “Type 2 Diabetes”., Accessed October 15, 2022.
[vi] Causes & Risk Factors » Type 2 Diabetes » Diseases » Internists on the Net »., Accessed October 18, 2022.

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