In a correspondence addressed to his Colleague, Minister of Budget and Public Accounts, Charles M’ba, consulted by, the Minister of Economy and Participations, Mays Mouissi, reported the availability of the first tranche of the sums provided for as part of the reimbursement of PosteBank SA savers.
In this letter, the Minister of the Economy and Participations requests from his Colleague, the diligence of the competent services placed under his supervision, for the purposes of making available, via the Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations, the sum of “ten (10) billion CFA Francs, included in the 2024 finance law, dedicated to the reimbursement of PosteBank SA savers”he wrote.

These ten billion would only satisfy some of the waiting savers, because “according to information received from the Judicial Liquidator of Postebank SA, the overall debt amounts to 41.154 billion CFA Francs, including 31.212 billion CFA Francs for the vast majority of large savers », informs Mays Mouissi.
In consideration of this relentless reality, “I am of the opinion that we must favor the payment of individuals, particularly modest amounts for social reasons. With this in mind, I have instructed my colleagues to submit to me, as soon as possible, a plan for using the 10 billion CFA Francs.”he stressed.
Taking into account the sensitivity of this issue, the Head of the Department of the Economy intends to present the plan for using the 10 billion to the Interministerial Council, in order to seek the agreement of the transitional government and open, within a reasonable time, the phase of partial and progressive reimbursements suggested.
It is a period of great hope which is beginning for PosteBank SA savers, after seven (7) years of waiting. In 2017, PosteBank SA, a subsidiary of the Post Office, went bankrupt, mortgaging the savings of many savers.
After numerous unfulfilled promises under the fallen regime of Ali Bongo Ondimba, the transitional government put in place a plan to settle this debt spread over three (3) years.
Feeodora Madiba

2024-12-07 02:06:00
#Regulations #PosteBank #savers #Money #finally
What is the estimated timeline for the release of future tranches to reimburse PosteBank savers?
## A Ray of Hope for PosteBank Savers?
**Today, we’re joined by Alex Reed, a financial analyst specializing in Gabonese economic issues,** to discuss recent developments concerning the long-awaited reimbursement of PosteBank SA savers.
**[Host]:** Thank you for joining us. There seems to be some positive news regarding PosteBank. Can you elaborate on the recent announcement by Minister Mays Mouissi?
**[Alex Reed]:** Certainly. Minister Mouissi announced in a letter to his colleague, the Finance Minister, that the first tranche of 10 billion CFA Francs dedicated to reimbursing PosteBank savers will be made available through the Caisse des Dépôts et des Consignations. This is certainly a welcome development for those affected by the bank’s liquidation.
**[Host]:** However, as we understand, 10 billion CFA Francs is just a small portion of the total debt?
**[Alex Reed]:** That’s right. According to information from the Judicial Liquidator, the total debt stands at a staggering 41.154 billion CFA Francs. The majority of this sum, approximately 31.212 billion CFA Francs, is owed to large savers. So, while this first tranche is undoubtedly positive, it only represents a fraction of the total owed.
**[Host]:** What does this mean for PosteBank savers moving forward?
**[Alex Reed]:** It indicates that the government is taking steps towards fulfilling its commitment to compensate savers. However, it’s clear that the process of reimbursement will be prolonged. It’s crucial for the government to communicate clearly and consistently with those affected, providing updates on the disbursement process and timelines for future tranches.
**[Host]:** Do you anticipate future tranches being released?
**[Alex Reed]:** Given the significant outstanding debt and the government’s commitment to addressing this issue, I would expect further tranches to be announced. However, the timeline and frequency of these release remain unclear.
**[Host]:** Thank you, Alex Reed, for your insights. This is undoubtedly a long and arduous process for individuals whose savings are tied up in this situation.