rejects marriages of more than two

MEXICO CITY.- The First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) rejected the inclusion of more than two people in a marriageby revoking the protection of a citizen of Puebla so that he could have a “polyamorous” relationship.

In May 2021, Pedro Arroyo Sotohead of the Eighth District Court for Civil, Administrative and Labor Protection and Federal Trials, granted protection complainant based on criteria from the First Chamber of the Court, which has established that the Constitution protects all forms and demonstrations of families that exist.

However, Minister Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, who was in charge of the draft resolution, argued that this type of demonstrations “polyamorous“They do not have a great presence in Mexican society. Besides that could create unequal situations and discrimination against women, girls and boys.

And that, in the event that the figure of “polyamory” were to grow in Mexican society, the Local congresses would have to regulate it to protect the rights of all its members and not leave them in a disadvantaged situation.

Polyamorous relationships could be discriminatory

In this regard, she recalled that the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has established that there must be equality in marriage and in family relationships, because polygamous relationships can lead to unequal relationships such as polygyny (family regime in which a man has several wives at the same time).

He recalled that, in 2010, the Committee highlighted that polygamy was still practiced in many States and it was noted that older wives were neglected in this type of marriage when they were considered inactive from an economic and reproductive point of view.

“Without detracting from the viability of polyamorous relationships over internationally proscribed polygamous relationships, for the purposes of this resolution, this First Chamber of the Court cannot use marriage and/or concubinage as a point of comparison applicable to polyamory, since it is about human situations whose historical, contextual and structural context differ.”

Consequently, the First Chamber of the highest court in the country endorsed by majority vote the project prepared by Minister Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo, to reject regulation of the inclusion of three or more people within a single marriage.

Read: SCJN rescues victim aid fund: it is unconstitutional to remove trusts

#rejects #marriages
2024-04-08 09:24:36

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