Relieve Itchy Eyes: Effective Tips for Optimal Visual Comfort

2023-07-31 10:06:00

You may have already experienced it: this unpleasant, irritating, even sometimes unbearable feeling when your eyes start to sting. These itchy eyes can be caused by different factors such as allergies, dry eyes or environmental irritants. So here are some good things to do to relieve your eyes and regain optimal visual comfort.

Avoid rubbing your eyes

When your eyes itch, the temptation to rub them can be strong. However, it is a habit that is best avoided as it can worsen irritation and cause eye damage. Instead, wash your hands properly, then gently pat your eyelids with your fingers to soothe the itching.

Clean your eyes carefully

If your eyes are irritated and often sting, it is important to clean them regularly to remove any allergenic or irritating substances. For this, use a saline solution or eye wipes specially designed for sensitive eyes. Be careful not to put excessive pressure on your eyes while cleaning.

Use cold compresses

Cold compresses can provide instant relief from itchy eyes. Place a cold compress or a clean cloth soaked in cold water on your eyelids for a few minutes, this will help soothe itching and reduce inflammation.

Avoid allergens

If your itchy eyes are caused by allergies, it’s essential to identify the allergens responsible and avoid them as much as possible. Among them, we can cite pollen, mites, animal hair or even mold. Try to limit your exposure to these allergens by using air filters, keeping windows closed during periods of high pollen counts, and cleaning your home regularly to reduce the presence of dust mites and mold.

Moisturize your eyes

Dry eyes can also be itchy, so be sure to maintain proper hydration by using lubricating eye drops. Place a few drops in each eye according to the instructions and repeat the operation if necessary, this will relieve tingling and improve your visual comfort.

Avoid makeup during seizures

When you suffer from severe itching, it is best to refrain from wearing makeup, especially on the eyelids. Cosmetics can make the irritation worse and introduce substances that can make the situation worse. If you really can’t do without them, then choose hypoallergenic products and remove them carefully every evening.

Remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for someone else. So, if your symptoms persist or worsen, do not hesitate to consult a health professional. Your eyes are real gems that deserve the best!

published on July 31, Juliette Lamy, Webedia



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