Religion: the 5 prophecies given by Joël Francis Tatu on the DRC to Hannukah which have been fulfilled to the letter

The prophecies of God given through His servant, Prophet Joel Francis Tatu at Hannukah 2023 have already begun to be fulfilled. From the head of the country to the root, the revelations carry a body one after another in order to prove the existence of God in the life of his servant even today.

According to research undertaken by, several revelations of God transmitted to his people by his prophet have already been accomplished less than a month after the date of concluding this great program. Here, the events are carried out in the smallest details in order to confirm the authenticity of the anointing of God on the life of the prophet Joel Francis Tatu; action which for years has become a stumbling block for Christians without revelation.

Here are the prophecies and here are their fulfillment:

1°) Prophecy: A senior politician in this nation will be arrested for his complicity with the nations that are waging war in the eastern DRC.

1°) Accomplishment: The military court arrested the national deputy of North Kivu, Édouard Mwangachouchou with weapons in his residence in Kinshasa. The elected representative of the people is accused of complicity with Rwanda and armed groups.

2°) Prophecy: the DRC is the beloved of God and the eternal sending many Chinese on Congolese soil in the coming days in order to revitalize the economy and the security of the DRC.

2°) Achievement: several Chinese ministers were received by Nicolas Kazadi, Minister of Finance of the DRC for a China-DRC partnership. According to information received by the press, this collaboration will deal in particular with the training of young soldiers of the DRC in order to help the country to face the Rwandan aggression.

3°) Prophecy: the Rwandan army will change its strategy to cross the lake instead of the land border as it has always done. Rwanda wants to attack the DRC through the maritime border.

3°) Accomplishment: Rwandan military boats were seen doing maneuvers on the Congolese coast of the lake. The military authorities believe that the country of Paul Kagame is sharpening its weapons in order to attack the DRC through the waters.

4°) Prophecy: the Congolese people must present themselves to pay taxes and duties because this culture will soon be reborn in the DRC. God asks the people to pay.

4°) Accomplishment: it appears from the last councils of ministers that the Congolese government would like to establish the payment of taxes and duties in order to allow the State to have the means to carry out its policy. According to certain indiscretions at the top of the State, the Congolese nation needs the support of its people in the payment of taxes for the construction and development of the country.

5°) Prophecy: The DRC should not wait for the support of the United Nations or the countries of the region to end the war in the East. The talks are going to yield nothing for the moment. The country’s authorities can only count on the support of Angola and Congo Brazzaville.

5°) accomplishment: Angola deploys a large number of its soldiers in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to support the FARDC in tracking down all armed groups, in particular the M23. According to the Minister of Defense of Angola on VOA, the trip from Angola to the DRC will take place in the coming days. There are only a few finishing questions left, he said, before the soldiers are on Congolese soil.


Prophecy: There will be no election in 2023

Accompaniment: President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo declared during the visit of Emmanuel Macron that the country cannot go to elections in a situation of war. According to him, moving several communities to the east of the country would block enrollment and disrupt the organization of the elections.

Gael Hombo

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