ROG Ally: Asus unveils gaming handheld on April 1st, leaving customers wondering if the product is real to this day

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The Asus ROG Ally is either an exciting gaming handheld or an April Fool’s joke. (Image: Asus)

Customers are puzzling over whether Asus announced an exciting gaming handheld on April 1st or a well-disguised April Fool’s joke, as the ROG Ally gaming handheld looks too real but is announced in a video that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

Asus released the video embedded below on April 1st announcing the ROG Ally Gaming handheld. Given the date, many customers wonder if the product is real. This is supported by the fact that the handheld is already in the US online shop Best Buy is listed, and that Asus on April 2nd another tweet released on the ROG Ally.

The video, which doesn’t take itself seriously at all, would rather speak for an April Fool’s joke. At least technically there is nothing wrong with bringing the ROG Ally onto the market. Because according to the announcement video, the gaming handheld has a very simple design, with a white housing, front-facing stereo speakers and a subtle RGB LED strip on the back. Inside, “the fastest” APU to date, which was developed together with AMD, is said to be working, similar to the case with the Steam Deck.

Customers should be able to access all their game libraries – no wonder, because the ROG Ally relies on Windows. Asus speaks of a bright 1080p display and a particularly quiet cooling system with two fans. The trailer mentions “games from different platforms”, while showing the Xbox app. If you need even more gaming power, you can connect the Asus ROG XG Mobile eGPU, which is even available with a GeForce RTX 4090 laptop GPU for around 2,500 euros. It remains to be seen whether the Asus ROG Ally gaming handheld will actually be launched, as Asus has not yet given any details on price or availability.

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