Rule to improve self-esteem and strengthen the pillar of your well-being

In the work and personal world, self-esteem is key to people’s well-being and quality of life. Those who have difficulties with their self-esteem cannot relate in a positive and constructive way with their environment, nor with themselves. For those people, this can generate a series of conflicts, problems and psychological disorders that prevent them from being happy and functional in society.

So things, Strengthening and taking care of self-esteem is of vital importance to face the changes and difficulties that arise on a day-to-day basis.. For this, it is essential to maintain a mental balance and a good formula to achieve this is to structure our lifestyle. In this way, there will be time for work and rest.

To maintain a mental balance in life and help us give each situation the necessary time, it is essential to put into practice the 8-8-8 rule. This method helps correct harmful habits such as lack of sleep or addiction to work.

This rule poses the following equation: 8 hours of work + 8 hours of leisure + 8 hours of sleep = happiness. According to the psychologist Sara Navarrete, “with the simple fact of learning to distribute the hours of the day in these three groups we will have advanced towards a happier life.”

Eight work hours are our moment of maximum productivity and it is important dedicate yourself to tasks that require more effort and concentration. So we can seize the moment to then focus on the easier activities and disconnect moments before the eight hours come to an end. This technique can reduce stress and improve productivity.

This can be the most complex part of our day, due to the fact that limiting the 8 hours of active workday can become a challenge for those who are used to dedicating their lives to work. However, this method invites you to optimize those hours, it does not refer to working less, but more effectively.

A good way to start this rule is by defining the things that must be done first thing in the morning, prioritizing each activity, from the most important and the one that must be done in the morning, to the least relevant and which can be done in any other time of the day.

At the end of each working day, it is necessary to start at eight hours of leisure time, this is the time when we managed to disconnect 100% from our regular activities. To achieve this process it is necessary to find activities that we like and bring satisfactionas take a walk in the park to have contact with nature, practice some physical activity or participate in a crafts course. This is also an exercise that improves cognitive health and enhances brain stimulation.

Finally, there is eight hours of sleep, an adequate rest routine is essential to perform at work and in free time. Some experts say that “it is essential not to go to bed too late, eat dinner at least an hour before going to bed, not drink coffee or stimulants in the afternoon, take a bath before going to bed or read for 15 or 20 minutes before turning off the light”.

These exercises can help you get restful sleep and feel active for the next day. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid watching movies until late if the next day our day starts in the morning.

The eight hours of rest are quite important, Skipping this part in order to “perform more” or “be more productive” will only bring consequences. To achieve optimal rest, it is advisable to relax the mind, leave the screens out of the room and not use the cell phone, since the stimulation of these electronic devices can make it difficult to fall asleep.

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