Ryzen 9 5950X can be bought up to 100 thousand rubles, and Core i9-12900K – up to 110 thousand rubles

Given a week ago Several retail chains have supported the trend of cheaper Intel and AMD processors in Russian retail – desktop chips have become very cheaper at all major retailers. In addition, the availability of chips has become even wider: now all Intel and AMD models of the latest generations can be found in all major retail chains.

Let’s start with price changes. Over the past week, Intel and AMD processors in all, without exception, large retail chains in the Russian Federation have noticeably fallen in price – in some places almost twice. For example, Ryzen 9 5950X in NYKS fell in price from 271,350 rubles to “only” 125,964 rubles. At the same time, in the DNS it is offered at all for 98 thousand rubles.

Prices look much more attractive now than in early Marchwhen there was a peak in price rise (see chart below). Now some chips even cost the same on average as in late Februarywhen the price hike started. Note that the graph below shows the average prices for various large retail chains, where these chips were sold at one time or another. The prices of the NYX store were not taken into account, as they are too out of the picture. But the trend is the same.

At the same time, of course, prices have not reached the level of mid-February, and are unlikely to reach. For example, a month ago, the “popular” Ryzen 5 5600X could be bought cheaper than 25 thousand rubles. And the already mentioned Ryzen 9 5950X – for about 65 thousand rubles. Intel chips were also much more affordable: Core i7-12700K could be purchased for up to 40 thousand rubles, and another contender for the title of “people’s chip” – Core i5-12400 – was offered cheaper than 19 thousand rubles.

In addition to price cuts, we note that the latest Intel and AMD chips, that is, the 12th generation Core (Alder Lake) and Ryzen 5000 models, are again present in the assortment of absolutely all major retail chains. A week ago, Alder Lake processors were out of stock in DNS. In addition, now these processors have also appeared on Aliexpress.

Actually, prices on Aliexpress have also decreased over the past week, and there are more offers. At Avito, you can also notice a decrease in prices, and in general, they now roughly correspond to store ones, if we talk specifically about new, unused chips.

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