Saipul Jamil Comes to Trial of Dewi Perssik’s Divorce Case with Angga Wijaya, Claims Not to be the Third Person

Jakarta – Pedestrians peach goddess undergo premiere trial case divorce with Angga Wijaya at the Religious Courts, South Jakarta, Monday (4/7/2022). As heralded before, Swordsmen Saipul Jamilex husband peach goddess also came to that court.

The goal is to witness Dewi Persik’s divorce trial and Angga Wijaya with a mediation agenda.

As quoted from the YouTube channel Sambel Lalap, Saipul Jamil confirmed his presence at the trial for the divorce of Dewi Perssik and Angga Wijaya as well as to answer people’s accusations against him.

“Yes, I came here to answer people’s accusations that I am the third person between Dewi and Angga. I just want to say, there is no such thing,” said Saipul Jamil.

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