School children’s cell phones will be checked Viral | Cell Phone Policy

Excessive use of mobile phones by children is a headache for parents and teachers alike. But a bigger headache is the steps taken by a school authority in the United States to control the use of mobile phones by children.

School authorities want children to be allowed to read any messages that come into their phones, whether they are in or out of school. But majority of the parents do not agree with this action of the school authorities. Here’s how they explain it:

“They don’t have their own phones because they are small children. They use their father’s or mother’s phone. Any message on that phone needs permission to be read by someone else. Even if the police or authorities want to check the phone as part of law enforcement, permission is required. However, the school’s position is that teachers can read any communication between children at any time, whether in or out of school. This arbitrary order cannot be accepted.”

The school authorities say that the new law was introduced for the safety of the children. Rachel French, the mother of a student at the school, took to Twitter to rail against the law.

“My child’s school has implemented a new rule regarding cell phones. This means that teachers can read any communication between children on the phone, even at home. This cannot be accepted. This is Rachel’s post.

She has also revealed what she said to her daughter as soon as she got to know the information. “I am the owner of your phone. If you want someone else to read any information on your phone, tell them to call me first. I can’t allow anyone else to read any message on my phone without my permission.”

Other rescuers also came forward in support of Rachel. They also point out that this law will lead to many legal complications. The majority’s argument is that the parents should teach the children to call their parents first if the teachers want to read the messages on the phone.

Others question what right school officials have to interfere with a communication outside of school.

Many people also ask what other ways are there to check if phone conversations between children are getting dangerous. Can ask to send screenshot of conversations. First, convince the parents that the phone needs to be checked. After that only test. In any case, instead of checking the phone without permission, the authorities should be prepared to deal with cyber threats through other means. Parents are outraged that by reversing policies, the safety of adults is not being put at risk.

Content Summary: School’s Cell Phone Policy Quickly Goes Viral

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