Schools in Huy Provide Psychological Support After Tragic Fire

2023-11-16 13:14:04

After the fire which decimated an entire family in Huy, the four children’s schools organized psychological support today. Students and teachers are devastated by this tragedy.

Olivia, 8 years old, and Natacha, 10 years old, went to school in Sainte-Claire. Behind the walls, the priority is dialogue. “It’s an unspeakable disaster. For the children in the classes concerned, it’s really very, very complicated, for the children who are in the cycle too. The whole school and the parents are shocked and we are putting everything in place to let it go as well as possible”underlines Xavier Coster, the director of the Sainte-Claire school in Huy.

A mobile psychological support team

Sent by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, a mobile psychological support team is on site, for management, teachers and students. In this specialized teaching school, the choice of words and mode of communication is important.

“Unfortunately, we have to clearly announce the cruelty of things. And then afterwards, we have to be able to answer their questions. We explain to them in our words. The children we send to school understand things well. And for the others, we explain to them in pictorial form, in story form”specifies Xavier Coster.

The same systems have been put in place in the schools of Tatiana, 5 years old, and Mélissa, 14 years old.

Huy fire

#family #died #fire #Huy #emotion #great #schools #children

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