Sermas loses 28 percent of MIR tutors

The Sermas has received 193 writs from the 681 Family Medicine MIR tutors renouncing their positionwhat it means 28 percent of the total of the call for the year 2022. Currently, from the Primary Care management meetings are being held with the tutors, explaining the actions of the Improvement Plan and Measures for the Recognition and Professionalization of the Figure of the Tutoras sources from the Ministry of Health have explained to Medical Writing.

Enrique Ruiz Escudero’s department recalls that it has approved a set of actions contemplated in the Comprehensive Improvement Plan for Primary Care 2022-2023which represent an investment of 200 million euros, of which 80.8 million correspond to salary incentives and the creation of more than 1,200 jobs.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health is establishing “measures that aim to completely review the figure of the resident tutor, both from a normative and training point of view.”

In danger the adequate training of the MIR

From the Association of Doctors and Graduates of Madrid (Amyts) They warn that this situation endangers the necessary conditions for proper training of MIRs. In this sense, they recall that the residency training system requires, simultaneously, to receive training and provide a job that allows the training specialist to acquire, in accredited teaching units, the professional skills of the specialty they are studying.

“This must be achieved by scheduled internshipaimed at progressively achieving the knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional responsibility necessary for the autonomous and efficient exercise of the specialty”, according to Amyts.

Given this situation, the union requests that adequate monitoring of the training of new specialists in Family Medicine be guaranteed so that their training is of quality, “in order to ensure proper professional development.” “We hope that this gesture on the part of the teachers will serve as a a wake-up call to improve the conditions of these consultationswhich should be specially protected as they have a dual function: assistance and training (with maximum quotas, daily consultation limits of up to 30 patients, 10 minutes minimum per patientetc.),” ​​they indicate from the aforementioned trade union organization.

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Finally, Amyts thanks these professionals for “dedication and effort”, while regretting that “they had to reach these circumstances”. “We hope that the Administration will take urgent measures to reverse the situation as soon as possiblebefore the incorporation, in May, of the R1″, he concludes.

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