She inherited a fortune of $4 million.. This is how Joel Badr answered Tammam Bliq’s question about pregnancy and the wedding night! (Video)

“Transgender” Joel Badr appeared on the “With Tamam” program with the Lebanese media, Tammam Blaiq, and talked about various topics related to her personal life and the stage of correcting her sexually.

Joel Bader and pregnancy

Joel revealed that she is able to have children because of the remnants of a uterus, so she can get pregnant naturally and give birth, but only a few months have passed since her marriage to the artist Hussein Najdi; So naturally she hasn’t given birth yet.

Joel Badr and the wedding night

Joel Badr was surprised by the question of Tammam Biliq about the night she entered and whether it was a beautiful experience, to answer him sarcastically: “What happened to you on the night of the wedding?”

Joel Badr and her husband

Joel indicated that she fears and respects her husband a lot, and said: “What is the extent of breaking my neck to me except my husband, do you see me on the social media and Winnie? .. In the men who played the house and played the entity and played everything.”

Joel Bader and the gender transition

Joel explained that some people still do not understand the concept of sexual “correction” and confusing it with “transition”, which are two completely different things.“.

She stressed that she is not proud of her transsexuality and resents those who look like them, as she is not transgender, but rather “corrected.”.

Joel Bader and her heirs, estimated at $4 million

Joel revealed that she had inherited nearly $4 million from a man she considered her father, which upset his family.


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