Silent Heart Attacks in Women: Common Symptoms and Prevention Tips

2023-06-18 22:44:09

Most women suffer from silent heart attacks, and they may not show any symptoms at all in some cases, and in other cases, women may suffer from uncommon symptoms.

Heart attacks are the number one cause of death in the United States, and that includes men and women of most ethnic groups. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies every 36 seconds in the United States due to a heart attack. In a report published by the American “emedihealth” website, Alison Dupont, a specialist in “interventional cardiology,” reviews the most important symptoms of a heart attack in women, and offers a number of tips to maintain heart health and reduce the risk of sudden attacks. Dr. Dupont says that women often ignore the first symptoms of heart-related problems, so in most cases they do not get the necessary medical care, which reduces the chances of surviving these attacks.

Symptoms of heart attack in women In some cases, women suffer from symptoms similar to what happens to men when suffering from angina (lack of blood flow to the heart muscle due to the accumulation of plaques in the arteries of the heart) or a heart attack. In the event of a heart attack, symptoms appear suddenly, and may include chest constriction, with varying degrees of severity and pain.

In some cases, these known symptoms may not appear, and the woman suffers from other symptoms, such as: Sudden shortness of breath Pain in the left arm, jaw, or teeth Pain in the upper abdomen Loss of consciousness or fainting

Pain in the upper back and these symptoms may be related to other symptoms, such as: sudden, dizzy sweating


These symptoms are common in women, but in many cases, lower abdominal or back pain does not indicate a heart attack.

On the other hand, toothache may be evidence of heart problems, as the author says that she once examined a patient who was suffering from severe toothache while exercising, and discovered that she was suffering from blockage of one of the heart arteries.

Source. Beirut Voice

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