since when the service stops operating

2024-03-13 00:01:10

The crisis in transportation generated by the lack of contributions from the Nation, by order of the president Javier Milei is no stranger to Neuquén. This Tuesday it was confirmed that the company Koko will stop providing the service that linked Neuquén and Senillosa passing through Plottier.

The drastic measure was confirmed by the union Argentine Tram Union (UTA) sectional Neuquen. The secretary, Gabriel Ceballos, spoke with Diario RÍO NEGRO and detailed that “the company decided to withdraw the cars.”

As he explained, the company’s decision “terminate the contract” was unilateral and was argued for “the high costs involved in maintaining the service.”

Complications for connection-dependent users will begin from 3 p.m. on Wednesday the 13th, according to what the firm informed the workers.

Currently it is the only service that offered this route, which is why connectivity with the rural area of ​​Plottier (China Muerta and Colonia San Francisco) and Senillosa will be of high impact for passengers who needed to go to Neuquén capital.

Koko’s decision not only affects users, but also generates uncertainty among the 26 bus drivers who work in the service. Regarding this, Ceballos said that the company will have two options in this scenario. “Either it relocates them to other services, something it could do because it is a large company, or it is going to have to compensate them all as the law says,” he explained.

#service #stops #operating

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