Sleeping with your cell phone is a health risk

Everywhere they warn that one should not sleep next to the cell phone. They scare us in every possible way and by the way in the worst, they tell us that this habit so ingrained in adults and children could increase not only cancer of the salivary glands and the acoustic nerve but could lead, due to the radiofrequency energy, to brain and fertility problems.

Even the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified this type of device as “a possible human carcinogen”, adding that it is still “in evolution” but this overwhelming news does not bother most human beings, the only animals as thoughtful as they are suicidal, as optimistic as they are fragile, who do not discover a way not to fall asleep waiting for the other’s response and drop the cell phone next to them and, in the end, take it to bed each and every day, and they use it as proof of the “last connected message” and as an alarm clock for the next day; it is the last and the first thing they touch every day.

The toxic condition of that handling seems to be inexorable, how can we get away from something that gives us so much? If even some hope to have it as a graft in one of the hands so that it does not fall behind the bed and break the glass. And they maintain that it is not convenient to turn it off because later we have to wait for it to turn on, and if it does not, what will we do? Not turning it off is to be sure that this wait will not be necessary, who did not miss the little button of the onand felt that apocalyptic resentment?

Neither off nor airplane mode

We don’t want it to be off or in airplane mode, nobody wants to be disconnected, even when sleeping; something could happen to the loved one, and who else if not «me» should know it first, the landline telephone no longer exists and if it does exist no one takes it for granted! If I have my personal telephone why attend to that which can be for someone else!

That “inverted” quality of the cell phone has already been demonstrated, it is not that we carry it but on the contrary it is the one who carries us. And it gives us so much, much and more than we can accept and if with illicit drugs it is known that they can harm us, gadget technology, we won’t complain if you sleep in our bed tonight.

There is no catch in his intentions, we will raise our voices in his defense, we will immediately see how many likes we have and how many share our opinion. We will always have the opportunity to ask him where to place it so that it does not hurt us so much and a woman with a robotic voice will answer about the optimal distance from her harmfulness.

We are susceptible beings, who try to hide our weaknesses, better said my “castration” because this is not shared, it is the most unique thing we have. Finally my cell phone and my castration are not shared. It is more my cell phone knows, what can be known, of my fears; It delicately guards the keys of our fragile immortality, of our falls, and seems to whisper to us every night like tango lulling us: “Tell me your secrets, tell me your failures”, listen through its opaque and translucent surface.

My cell phone, my accomplice and spy

The mobile just waits for you to pass your hand like a caress asking for something, it always waits for you to download all your loving demands (or the bad ones). He cares that you include him, and responds instantly as if it were an order, for us beings so pained by the passage of time, we believe we see signs of his love in the promptness of his responses, and he saves those searches in the history of the treasures precious.

Although they offer the answers that have already been paid for your key problems, who receives it believes they have found the way out of the personal labyrinth. The cell phone does not deceive, only those who program it but are far away; thanks to him you will try to be heard, you will look for someone with suggestive emojis, you will send the signal to the cloud so that they can see you, but only the cell phone will know how we walk as deadly as we are crippled, each one in its own way, and will protect your secrets, lovingly positioning itself as your “complement”, a necessary prosthesis; That is why it has stuck to our skin so much in recent years, and few want to stop sleeping with it.

Then we’ll have time to find out if there are complaint books, but now that we’re in the adolescence of technological time, we don’t care what will happen in a few years, what matters to us now is that he be by our side every day and every night, already each one gives him in an inverted way what he asks of him and that is the formula of the demand.

We will wait for the answer before sleeping, its voice helps you survive in this world so full of needs and we will know from babies that it is not an object like any other to be left lying or accommodated on some distant shelf, we will not leave it for a minute away from our hands even when they scare us with possible medical-psychological contraindications.

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