Soldier’s Weapon Rampage Incident: Gyeonggi Province, Paju – Eyewitness Reports & Investigation

2023-10-27 00:55:37

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An incident occurred where an active-duty soldier during training brandished a weapon at a citizen and injured him.

On the 27th, at approximately 8:45 a.m., Corporal A, a 20-year-old member of an Army armored unit, who was riding in an armored vehicle on a road in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, suddenly jumped out and went on a rampage with a knife.

Corporal A, who was threatening citizens with a military bayonet, crossed the road, blocked a civilian vehicle, and threatened the driver to hand over his car keys.

Military officials at the scene and nearby citizens joined together to subdue Corporal A, and it was reported that one citizen suffered a hand injury in the process.

Traffic accidents have occurred due to cars trying to avoid unexpected situations on the road.

The police dispatched after receiving the report arrested Corporal A at the scene and are investigating the exact circumstances of the incident through witnesses.

#accident #soldier #armored vehicle #weapon rampage

@ KWANGJU BROADCASTING COMPANY. all rights reserved.

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