Statue of Fidel in Moscow; Russia strengthened relations with Cuba World | Deshabhimani

Russia strengthened its relations with Cuba by strengthening its position against the United States. A statue of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro was unveiled in Moscow as part of strengthening ties between the two countries. On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Cuban President Michel Díaz Canal unveiled a statue of Fidel in northern Moscow. Both said that the friendship between the two countries will be further strengthened.

Fidel, who forbade personal worship, had told him not to make statues of himself. This is why there is no statue of Fidel in Cuba. However, Putin requested the statue to be erected considering Fidel’s friendship with the Soviet Union. Currently, both countries are facing heavy sanctions from the United States. Speaking in the Russian parliament, Mikhail Diaskanal expressed his support for Russia’s action in Ukraine.

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