Stay Cool with the Best Portable Pedestal Fan at Amazon Mexico

2023-06-16 17:02:00

The heat waves that have hit the country have been increasing more and more, reaching a point where some states forecast temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celsius, which according to Conagua, is expected to reach more parts of the republic.

And if what you are looking for is to cool off wherever you go, you may be interested in this portable pedestal fan which is currently at its historical minimum price at amazon mexico for 1,399 pesos.

Quntis Remote Control Rechargeable Portable Fan

Although it is sold by a third party, this appliance has free shipping for all buyersoption to pay up to 18 months with financing cost and priority delivery for those who have an Amazon Prime membership.

The fan has a structure made mostly of plastic and a metal support with telescopic adjustment and adjustable height to be used on any flat surface, its design allows it to fold completely so that it is easy to store and includes a travel bag for easy transport.

In addition, it has five speeds and a breeze mode for quieter ventilation, its 7,200 mAh battery is capable of giving up to 28 hours of autonomy depending on the use and it has a timer that will allow you to program the shutdown, all these functions can be adjusted through the remote control that is included in the box.

In Xataka Selection We publish offers and discounts from different online stores in Mexico. Some of the links in this post may belong to an affiliate program. None of the items mentioned have been proposed by brands or stores, their introduction being a sole decision of the editorial team. Product price and availability are subject to change without notice.

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#Beat #heat #rechargeable #portable #fan #lowest #price #Amazon #Mexico

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