Steam “Dear Esther” is free for a limited time, like a movie-like walking simulation narrative masterpiece | 4Gamers

The walking simulation narrative game “Dear Esther: Landmark Edition”, which has been praised by many critics, is currently running a limited-time free event on Steam. Just log in to the Steam account and enter the store page to receive the game for free and save it to the collection forever.

“Dear Esther” is a simulation narrative game developed by the British game team The Chinese Room in 2008 with the Source engine. This game was remade into a commercial version in 2012, and then remade with the Unity engine in 2017 to launch “Dear Esther: Landmark Edition” version.

Dear Esther is basically a walking game, with the player’s protagonist exploring the Hebrides in western Scotland alone, listening to him read out fragments of letters written to him by his late wife, Esther. Every time the player arrives at a new location on the island, the game replays a new message, which leads to a somewhat sad but thought-provoking story.

“Dear Esther: Landmark Edition” is free for a limited time only until 11:00 pm on February 16th. If you get it for free, you can keep it forever. The game does not support Chinese subtitles.

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