Students Demand Debt Forgiveness and Protest English Subject Expense: UMSNH Takeover

2023-09-07 18:42:35

The students started a demonstration due to an extra charge and expense in the English subject that is included in their curriculum

This morning, students from the “Dr.Ignacio Chávez” Faculty of Medicine of the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), took over said facilities and prevented classes from being taught.

The protesters request the forgiveness of the debt for the English subject of the new general curriculum, as well as the medical technical English course; in turn, they refuse to travel to the language building located in Ciudad Universitaria, since they consider it an unnecessary expense.

Faced with this situation, the authorities of the UMSNH affirmed that they have an open attitude towards the complaints of the students, but in turn they ask for the cessation of this takeover because it affects the education of the students.

At a press conference, the general secretary of the UMSNH, Javier Cervantes Rodríguez, declared regarding the charge for the English course that “this administration has supported the economy of young people, recently a statement was issued to the entire university community, and that they can choose to learn other languages ​​through this department; obtaining a remission of 30% so that they can access the learning of these languages”.

Regarding another of the solutions that this house of studies can offer, he said that one option is for students to take their classes online from the space that is most convenient for them and avoid the cost of transportation.

However, the secretary clarified that the UMSNH has a budget for expenses and income that was approved in October 2022 and to which they must adhere; “Otherwise we would be incurring an administrative and financial responsibility, we are not closed to the situation but we have to deal with it by our own university legislation.”

For his part, the director of the faculty, Víctor Hugo Mercado, mentioned that “we must be empathetic with the situation, let us stop acts of force that may cause a negative perception of the institution and the students, there will be no reprisals at any time for anyone ”.

“But we ask them in a real way to release the facilities because they are affecting a third party. It is true that for this we will work in the different areas where we will make effective the power to further reduce the money that is charged for the material”.

Finally, the general lawyer of the university, Raúl Castillo, explained that the legislation of the educational institution indicates that as soon as these demonstration behaviors become known, a procedure can be initiated against those involved.

“We ask young people to stop this situation because the ones who may be affected in the end are them, we have confidence in the reflection they carry out and that they can avoid the start of these procedures,” he said at the press conference.
“Our university legislation does not provide for the use of public force.”

#UMSNH #authorities #request #cessation #Faculty #Medicine

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