Supporting loved ones can prevent depression

Lifetime depression affects approximately 20% of the population. Depressive disorder “presents as a succession of characterized depressive episodes, resulting in numerous symptoms – among which pathological sadness, loss of pleasure and cognitive symptoms −, with a major impact on the life of the patient and those around him. If they persist, the symptoms linked to depression will have significant repercussions on the socio-professional level”, details Inserm.

According to a recent study by American researchers from the University of Michigan, the role of relatives would be essential. Indeed, those who benefit from support to face certain complicated moments are less at risk of suffering from a depressive episode.

Beware of isolation

To reach this conclusion, the scientists compared data on medical students and men or women whose partner had died. Result ? “Depressive symptom scores increased by 126% after the start of the internship in the medical student sample and by 34% after widowhood in the sample,” report the study authors. Before concluding: “The results of the study suggest that people with a high genomic risk of developing increased depressive symptoms in adverse social conditions also benefit more from environments…

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