suspense around the “Lex Netflix”, yes to the law on organ donation according to a poll

The outcome of the vote on the lex Netflix still remains uncertain on May 15, according to two polls published on Wednesday. On the other hand, the two other objects, namely the law on transplantation and that on Frontex, are confirmed by a good lead.

For the authors of the Trend SRG-SSR survey, the result for the revision of the cinema law is difficult to predict. The yes party has a slight lead in both polls. That of the SSR credits him with 56% of voting intentions against 41% of no. In the Tamedia survey, this object would be accepted by 52% of citizens against 45%.

The evolution between the last two soundings rather benefits the yes camp. But this increase is within the statistical margin of error. According to a projection model, yes is more likely than no, according to the Tamedia poll.

On the contrary, the SSR poll notes a polarization towards the no last month. But the current results still indicate a slight lead in favor of this revision, which was contested in a referendum. Given the current dynamic, it is therefore difficult to decide.

Support for the cinema law, which must in particular oblige streaming platforms like Netflix to invest in Swiss productions, is highest among supporters of the Greens and the PS, with 76% and 73%, according to the poll. Media. The rejection is especially marked among the militants of the UDC and the PLR. French-speaking Switzerland is 62% in favor, a proportion which drops to 47% in German-speaking Switzerland.

Clear yes for transplants and Frontex

Relatively clear majorities are emerging for the other two federal objects. The law on transplants receives 61% of “yes” in the two polls, the strengthening of the Swiss contribution to Frontex, 64% according to the Tamedia poll and 69% according to that of the SSR.

The vote campaign did not really bring out new circles. “It is especially the groups which regularly participate in the votes which have been mobilized in a more marked way”, according to the SSR poll. People distrustful of the state have become somewhat demobilized. This reinforces the chances of success for the three bills supported by the Federal Council.

The second SSR survey carried out by gfs.bern was carried out between April 20 and 27 among 6,315 citizens. The margin of inaccuracy is +/- 2.8 percentage points. For Tamedia’s third online survey, conducted from April 27 to 29 among 10,000 people, the statistical margin of error is +/-1.6 percentage points.

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