Switzerland – AI received nearly 1,800 patient reports for Covid long


The sequelae of infections affect many people, who sometimes have difficulty in recognizing them. Support is starting to improve.

Research is continuing to better determine the contours of the long-term effects of Covid infections.

20min / Marvin Ancian

Disability insurance recorded, throughout Switzerland, 1775 registrations due to Covid long in 2021. As noted by the “Switzerland at the weekend“, no decision to pay a pension to a patient suffering from sequelae of an infection has yet been made.

The newspaper mentions studies according to which approximately 20% of people infected with Covid show sequelae after the recovery from the main symptoms. Among them: extreme fatigue and shortness of breath are the most frequent.

A time bomb?

However, the Confederation is not overly concerned about the financial consequences of long Covid. “For the time being, this should not lead to significant additional costs for the AI,” says the Federal Social Insurance Office.

It should be noted that the persons concerned have come together in different associations. Christian Salzmann, of “Long Covid Switzerland”, interviewed by the German-speaking newspaper, believes that it is only a matter of time before the effects are felt. “A lot of people with the condition haven’t signed up for AI yet because they’re hoping the symptoms will get better,” he says.

«24 hours” also returns to the theme in its Saturday edition, and gives the floor to several people who testify. They mention the difficulty of being taken care of, the fact that those around them are not taken seriously, but also political delays. Experts are asking in particular for a national register to be kept to follow long Covids, something that the FOPH replied that it did not consider necessary. On the health services side, however, things are changing. Specialized consultations appear in particular in places.


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