Angelina Jolie lives a tense moment on a trip to Ukraine: she had to take refuge among anti-aircraft sirens | TV and Show

The actress went to the country to speak with different refugees in western Ukraine. Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie traveled this weekend to the city of Lviv, in Ukraine, to see first-hand the testimonies of people affected by war triggered by Russia since February. Jolie arrived in Ukrainian lands on Saturday, as envoy of the UN … Read more

Angelina Jolie visits Lviv and leaves after hearing the sirens

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" Jolie (46 years old) Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugeeswhich says that more than 12.7 million people have fled their homes in the past two months, representing about 30 percent of the population. Ukraine prewar. While visiting the railway station, Jolie met volunteers helping the displaced, … Read more

Angelina Jolie sues the “FBI” .. The goal is to destroy Brad Pitt

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" A new report revealed the attempts of the American actress Angelina Jolie، "hurt and shame" ex-actor Brad Pittvia information from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation "FBI". According to several sources, Jolie is suing the intelligence agency, for the right to obtain information about Brad Pittfrom inside the intelligence investigation … Read more

Angelina Jolie calls for equality for all refugees in the world

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie called for equal treatment of all refugees and displaced persons in the world. “A million refugees have now fled Ukraine,” Jolie said in a post on her account on Instagram. “Before the first Ukrainian refugees crossed the border, there were more than 82 million people forced to leave their homes … Read more

Brad Pitt sued Angelina Jolie for selling part of the marriage vineyard without her consent | TV and Show

The actor sued his ex-wife after she had sold part of a piece of land that they still share. What once seemed like a perfect marriage this Thursday added a new legal confrontation in the Brangelina world. This time, Brad Pitt sued Angelina Jolie for having sold his share of the Chateau Miraval castle and … Read more

Angelina Jolie collapses in tears in front of the Senate .. And the reason?

The international actress could notAngelina Jolie​And is very active in public affairs, from holding back tears while speaking about victims of domestic violence, in front of the Senate in Washington, requesting the renewal of the Anti-Violence Against Women Act and providing the necessary psychological and physical protection for survivors of these violations. “I stand here … Read more

Angelina’s daughter Jolie is no longer a boy, has grown her hair and wears dresses

Anna Adamaites For a long time, Shiloh insisted that her name was actually John. Andeline Jolie with her daughter Shiloh. Photo: Global Look Press Many fans of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with a traditional outlook on life will probably breathe a sigh of relief now. Their daughter Shiloh, who became famous for her claims … Read more