Gustavo Petro said he will respect the democratic will of Venezuela

The Colombian government had previously formally cancelled the electoral observation commission that would assist the country to observe the presidential elections. Colombian President Gustavo Petro said on July 26 that he will respect democratic decisions made by Venezuela, two days before the country’s presidential elections. “Venezuela makes democratic decisions. Whatever its will is, it will … Read more

Border with Colombia will remain open during elections

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) will only maintain strict control during the presidential elections | Photo: EFE Jesús Martínez, head of the Comprehensive Defense Operational Zone (ZODI) in Táchira, reported that the bridges located on the border between Colombia and Venezuela will remain open during the presidential elections on July 28. However, he indicated … Read more

Brazil and Colombia suspended sending observers to Venezuela’s elections: what was the reason?

The decision of both countries occurred after statements by Nicolás Maduro Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) and the Colombian government announced on July 24 that they will not send observers to Venezuela’s presidential elections scheduled for July 28, following statements by President Nicolas Maduro about its electoral system. “In the face of false statements against … Read more

Petro signs law banning bullfights in Colombia

Colombian President Gustavo Petro signed into law the ‘No more olé’ law on Monday, which bans bullfighting in the country. The legal text establishes a three-year transition period to design an economic reconversion programme for those affected, which will come into effect in 2027. “This project has had a number of enemies, powerful opponents, very … Read more

Colombian Foreign Ministry clarifies that border with Venezuela maintains its usual schedule

Colombian-Venezuelan border / Archive ” data-medium-file=”×450.jpg” data-large-file=”×600.jpg”/> Colombian-Venezuelan border / Archive The Colombian government clarified that the border crossing between its country and Venezuela maintains its usual schedule, Contrary to what the governor of Táchira state, Freddy Bernal, said this week on the subject. “To date and until an official announcement, the schedule continues to … Read more

ELN claims that peace talks have been frozen

The meeting was to be held in Caracas / Photo: EFE ” data-medium-file=”×361.jpg” data-large-file=”×482.jpg”/> The meeting was to be held in Caracas / Photo: EFE He National Liberation Army (ELN) confirmed that during this month of April there will be no meetings with the Colombian government, denouncing alleged breaches of prior agreements. In a statement, … Read more

Colombian Foreign Minister said he has held talks with Maria Corina Machado

The Colombian foreign minister indicated that they presented documents with their proposals to the Venezuelan political actors/ Photo: Semana ” data-medium-file=”×365.jpg” data-large-file=””/> The Colombian foreign minister indicated that they presented documents with their proposals to the Venezuelan political actors/ Photo: Semana He Colombian Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murilloindicated that his country has not ignored the … Read more

Edmundo González Urrutia will hold a meeting with the Colombian ambassador

Edmundo González Urrutia, candidate for the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) in the presidential elections, confirmed that he will hold a meeting with Milton Rengifo HernándezAmbassador of Colombia in Venezuela. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the president’s proposal Gustavo Petro to ensure a transitional government in the country, which would be focused on … Read more