the Government’s energy transition path

2023-11-02 13:24:06 In an event that took place at the Argentine Center of Engineers, The Government presented the energy transition criteria defined in the official plan 2050, in which Vaca Muerta gas developments, renewables and lithium were considered. They argued that Argentina “has everything” necessary to face the transition process and should not import a … Read more

Vaca Muerta closed October with a slight drop in the level of activity

2023-11-01 15:23:02 Despite the complex national context, the activity in Vaca Muerta showed the inertia that characterizes long-term developments and closed October with a slight drop regarding the star parameter of its measurement: the amount of stages of fractures. According to the report prepared month following month by the country manager of the NCS Multistage … Read more

Vista already exports more than half of its shale production

2023-10-30 03:15:00 There is a broad consensus that Vaca Muerta’s true potential is in the export market and a faithful reflection of this is the business model of Vista, Miguel Galuccio’s oil company. During the third quarter of the year, the company exported more than half of its oil production shale. As commented in the … Read more

The viral slogan of Meribet, the oil company that is all the rage on networks: “What does a woman do in the industry?”

2023-10-22 01:52:25 Since he was 22 years old, Meribet Lopez works linked to the hydrocarbon industry and as a way of sharing her activity, decided upload videos recounting their daily life between the wells and the locations of Vaca Muertain Neuquén. The publications, made from his TikTok account, They quickly generated the interest of dozens … Read more

Can Vaca Muerta be sold?

2023-10-20 14:51:26 The candidate for Freedom Advances, Javier Milei, turned on the fan for all kinds of speculation around the possibility of “selling Vaca Muerta.” Beyond the proposal there are a series of regulationsfrom the National Constitution, to national and provincial laws that regulate the operation of the lighthouse to which all presidential candidates look: … Read more

The Government puts gas into Sergio Massa’s campaign with the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline

2023-07-09 03:06:00 This July 9, Salliqueló, more than 500 kilometers from CABA, will offer the most important political photo of the electoral campaign of Unión por la Patria. Presidential candidate Sergio Massa, President Alberto Fernández and Vice President Cristina Kirchner will meet there to inaugurate the President Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline, the most important energy … Read more