More than half of the record activity was in the hands of three oil companies

2023-12-19 03:15:00 Activity in Vaca Muerta It remained accelerated throughout 2023 and although it was less than anticipated, it was enough to reach the absolute record, one month before the end of the year. The state-owned oil company was the clear driver of the sector and together with two other private companies concentrated more than … Read more

What is going to happen to the rates and until when does it apply?

2023-12-18 10:50:49 President Javier Milei signed a decree declaring the emergency of the national energy sector until the end of 2024, both in the generation, transportation and distribution segments of electricity under federal jurisdiction and in the transportation and distribution of natural gas. The decision of the Executive Branch was published this Monday in the … Read more

Aconcagua Energía positioned itself as the sixth producer in Argentina

2023-11-14 13:15:59 The independent company of national capital, Aconcagua Energía, presented the operating and financial results for the third quarter of the year with robust performance in most of its segments. Not only did it increase production and revenue, but it also reduced operating costs. It positioned itself as the sixth conventional oil producer in … Read more

Alberto Weretilneck announced the next renegotiation of oil contracts

2023-11-08 11:50:02 Alberto Weretilneck announced this Tuesday in Buenos Aires the future renegotiation of all oil contracts that expire between 2025 and 2027 because “they have already expired” He said and announced that this task will be launched next February. The previous negotiation with the current concessionaires of the oil areas in the province took … Read more

Clean energy generation is on track to break a new all-time record

2023-11-03 03:15:00 The role of clean energy in the national energy matrix is ​​increasingly preponderant and, if the trend that was registered from June continues, The green segment is preparing to close the year with the highest production in history. In the accumulated of the first nine months of 2023, electricity generation through this type … Read more

the Government’s energy transition path

2023-11-02 13:24:06 In an event that took place at the Argentine Center of Engineers, The Government presented the energy transition criteria defined in the official plan 2050, in which Vaca Muerta gas developments, renewables and lithium were considered. They argued that Argentina “has everything” necessary to face the transition process and should not import a … Read more

Vista already exports more than half of its shale production

2023-10-30 03:15:00 There is a broad consensus that Vaca Muerta’s true potential is in the export market and a faithful reflection of this is the business model of Vista, Miguel Galuccio’s oil company. During the third quarter of the year, the company exported more than half of its oil production shale. As commented in the … Read more