“Loophole-Free Bell Experiment Using Superconducting Qubit” – Nature Highlight in May 2023

2023-05-11 01:10:14 Nature highlight May 11, 2023 Nature 6177960 The Bell inequality has helped shed light on the structure of correlations allowed by quantum mechanics and what this theory of physics says about the world. Experimental verification of the Bell inequality is also of practical importance, as it allows confirmation of the existence of true … Read more

We know the origin of the dinosaur wing!

Do you regularly wonder how to carry the weight of your body with just your arms, while having them flapping frantically to stay in the air? No ? We probably underestimate the muscular strength and anatomical prowess that is necessary for the flapping flight accomplished by birds. The birth of their wing was until recently … Read more

They discover the largest penguin in history: it would be taller than the “emperor” and weighs almost 160 kilos | Society

A specimen of almost 160 kilos and a height greater than that of the emperor penguin would have been discovered by paleontologists from the University of Cambridge, thus confirming the existence of one of the largest specimens in history. A group of paleontologists would have discovered the largest penguin in history, according to their finding … Read more

“The cause of the dinosaur extinction is a large-scale volcanic eruption”… Refutation of ‘asteroid impact theory’ : Dong-A Science

Dartmouth University research team Researchers at Dartmouth University in the United States have suggested flood basalt areas as evidence that volcanic eruptions contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs. Flood basalt is a stepped topography formed by large volcanic eruptions. Courtesy of Brehin Keller Analytical results support the claim that dinosaurs became extinct due to volcanic … Read more

The “dragon of death”… the discovery of a fossil of “reptiles” that preceded the birds in flight

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" This ancient pterosaur, or pterosaur, was about nine meters long, and researchers say it preceded birds in flight as it was among the first creatures on Earth to use wings to hunt their prey from the sky in the prehistoric period. A team of scientists discovered the newly named Thanatosdracon … Read more