Amnesty law: Constitutional, international and criminal law jurists rule out a clash between the Spanish Penal Code and the European directive | Spain

Miguel Ángel Revenga, professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Cádiz, estimates that the reference that has been introduced in the law to the European directive “in no case affects the scope of the Spanish Penal Code to delimit the scope of what is punishable.” Now, he warns that “contrasts and interpretative disagreements between … Read more

Penal Code: In prison for “flea jumping” – The penalties for fires and traffic accidents with victims – What the Achaean jurist and PASOK sector head M. Skandamis says – 2024-02-28 13:51:07

According to the Minister of Justice George Floridisthe aim is to stop the impunity of medium petty crime by serving part of the sentences or by providing social work. Specifically, prison sentences of up to one year they will be able to be suspended, if the irrevocable convictions – if they exist in the criminal … Read more