Two more people infected with monkeypox in England

<div id="firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type="article" data-bind-html-compile="article.body" data-first-article-body=" And the British Health Security Agency said that the latest two cases of the disease "monkeypox" They were for two people living in the same house, and she indicated that she was conducting an investigation to find out how they contracted the virus. One of the injured receives treatment in … Read more

A rare disease without a vaccine, and these are its symptoms… What is “monkeypox”?

Under the title: “A rare disease without a vaccine… What is monkeypox?”, Al-Hurra stated: “With the health authorities in Britain announcing the first human infection on its soil with a rare virus originating from animals, questions increased about the severity of the named disease. With “monkeypox”. And UK health officials had announced that the patient … Read more