iOS | how to locate a turned off iPhone | Apple | trick | Location | Walkthrough | Applications | Smartphones | Technology | Location | Cell phones | nnda | nnni | DATA

You are likely to bring your device iPhone everywhere, be it to school, university, work, etc., without a doubt this has its advantages because you are connected at all times, but you also run many risks, since you could lose the equipment or in the Worst case scenario it could be stolen. If at any … Read more

iPhone | find out why you should update your device to the latest version of iOS | Cell phones | Security | Applications | Smartphones | Technology | trick | Walkthrough | nnda | nnni | SPORT-PLAY

If you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch device, you will need to update the operating system from iOS for the new emergency and mandatory version iOS 15.3.1, since this puts an end to a security problem that has not yet been specified by the Apple technology company, what has really happened? here we … Read more

iOS | how to make unknown calls from your iPhone without installing external apps | Private | Applications | Apps | Apple | Smartphones | Technology | trick | Walkthrough | Viral | Cell phones | nnda | nnni | DATA

It is likely that you have ever wanted to communicate with someone, but you did not use your mobile device because you do not want them to know that it is about you, so you probably chose to call through a friend’s cell phone or through a landline. This time we will teach you a … Read more

iOS | The trick to know if your iPhone’s battery is in good condition | Trick | Apps | Tutorial | Guide | Applications | Smartphone | Technology | Viral | nnda | nnni | SPORTS-PLAY

Know in what state the health of your smartphone’s battery is iOS is very important for different occasions, for example: when someone wants to sell you a mobile phone, they usually show it 100% charged, however, it may happen that within a couple of hours the battery reaches minimum levels, that means that it is … Read more