Biden again calls Putin a “murderous dictator like a thug” Kremlin: personal insults | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

US President Joe Biden (right) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (left). Figure: New head shell synthesis (file photo) After Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation against Ukraine on February 24, the Russian army immediately invaded Ukraine aggressively, killing a large number of Ukrainian civilians, while US President Joe Biden followed Putin in … Read more

Putin holds a 10,000-person “Z Party” to celebrate the success of the military operation! Rumors that Russia will win in Ukraine | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Putin declared that Russia would win in Ukraine. Rumors that all the goals of the Kremlin will be achieved.Photo: Flip through Putin’s Facebook Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has been sanctioned by the international community, and the Russian army has been hit head-on with heavy casualties. Russian President Vladimir Putin held a large-scale patriotic rally in … Read more

Drinking and talking about the Ukrainian-Russian war provokes murder! Hualien man “supports Russia” furiously chases and kills Ukrainian friends | Society | New Head Shell Newtalk

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (right).Figure: Flip from Facebook/New Head Shell Synthesis A wounding incident occurred late at night in Hualien County on the 17th, which was actually related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A man surnamed Chen was drinking with a friend, but because of his different stance on … Read more

“Had considered taking over Taiwan completely this fall” The Russian Federal Security Service secretly revealed Xi Jinping’s ambitions to commit Taiwan | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have good relations. Figure: Reprinted from Xinhuanet (file photo) Russia’s violation of Ukraine has shocked the world, and pro-Russian China has also attracted international attention. Vladimir Osechkin, head of the Russian anti-corruption website and human rights activist, recently released an analysis by the Russian Federal … Read more

Pay for the invasion of Ukraine! The U.S. cancels Russia’s “most-favored-nation status” and hits the Russian economy | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

US President Biden.Photo: Dazhi Image/Associated Press Russia’s violation of Ukraine has been severely sanctioned by the international community. US President Biden announced at the White House today to revoke Russia’s most-favored-nation (MFN) status, also known as “Permanent Normal Trade Relations” (Permanent Normal Trade Relations, PNTR) status, which means that Washington will Could raise tariffs on … Read more

The loser is not the loser! Putin welcomes more than 10,000 “Middle East Volunteers” to go to the Eastern Ukrainian battlefield to help the Russian army invade Ukraine | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Russian President Vladimir Putin.Figure: Flip through Putin’s Facebook Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was hit head-on, and the Russian army suffered heavy casualties. Ukraine also called for many “international volunteer troops” to provide cross-border support. Russia also asked for help even if it lost. It previously lied that “it did not send compulsory soldiers to the … Read more

Five hours of heated discussions at the summit Lithuanian President: EU leaders affirm Ukraine’s European integration | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Lithuanian President Nauseda. Photo: Flip through Nauseda’s Facebook (file photo) The war in Ukraine has lasted for two weeks. The leaders of the 27 EU countries held a leaders’ meeting in Versailles outside Paris, France on the 10th. The leaders of many countries condemned Russia for causing “unspeakable pain” to Ukraine and also discussed allowing … Read more

Russian state-run TV now has anti-official remarks, guests criticize sending troops to Ukraine as worse than invading Afghanistan | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Recently, anti-war sentiments have been running high in Russia, which opposes Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine. Photo: Dazhi Image/Associated Press (file photo) Dissatisfaction with the aggression against Ukraine is growing in Russia. The popular talk show broadcast by Russian state media during prime time was broadcast on the 7th, and there were remarks … Read more