Tea: A Sustainable Beverage with Economic Impact and Health Benefits in the Face of Climate Change

2023-05-20 23:05:00

Laura Does 6 min
One of the most consumed beverages in the world is tea. In addition to taking away the cold, its consumption has great advantages.

Tea has its day. All May 21 is International Tea Day., with the purpose of promoting its sustainable production and consumption. The HIM designated this date since 2019 to raise awareness among the world population about the importance of tea in the economy of some developing countries.

The tea industry is one essential source of income in nations with scarce resources, above all it generates manpower and strengthens the rural development. Undoubtedly, its production helps to rreduce poverty and offers a increased food security.

Tea is, after water, the most consumed drink worldwide. According to a report from World Population Reviewthe country that consumes the most tea per capita is Türkiye, followed by Ireland and the United Kingdom. And in Latin America, Chile has the first place in its consumption.

Tea is never lacking in the Chilean eleven

One of the most popular hot infusions in Chile, next to coffee and mate, is tea. In a traditional eleven, you can always savor it with food. Perhaps the doubt may arise Why is it part of the culture? of this country or even Why is it associated with the famous “eleven”.

chilean eleven
A typical Chilean eleven always has bread, cheese and avocado accompanied by a good tea.

It all began in the 18th century, when English sailors visited port cities like Valparaíso and Punta Arenas, some of whom settled as immigrants. resident british managed to spread their custom of “tea time”first among the Creole aristocracy until it spread to all social classes.

In fact, it is said that the “eleven” may have received its name by the British tradition known as “elevenses”, a light meal with tea that the English made specifically at 11 in the morning and that later changed the schedule and was made into Spanish. This is one of the theories of the origin of this peculiar Chilean food, according to Chile Brand.

How does tea benefit us?

Tea consumption is essential in the culture of many societies and brings health wellness. Here we bring you a series of benefits that could be useful when choosing the type of tea to bring to the table.

Type Characteristics Benefits
Negro Effects similar to coffee but healthier. It provides energy, helps lower cholesterol levels and helps control stress levels. Fat burn.
Matcha It is part of the green tea family. Relax our body. It has slimming effects and prevents the increase in blood sugar. Strengthens the immune system.
Verde It is the tea par excellence and one of the most consumed. Its antioxidant properties cooperate in the prevention of cancer and neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.
Rojo Especially, it has diuretic effects. Helps prevent respiratory problems. It acts in the reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Some types of tea and its benefits. Taken from The vanguard.

This drink comes from the plant Camellia sinensis and has dissimilar varieties. Depending on the chemical compounds that predominate in the type of tea, it offers one or another benefit. In general, have an antioxidant effect It helps fight hyperthyroidism and aging, plus it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How does climate change influence tea?

tea crops are very sensitive to variation in agroecological conditions. A rainy and temperate climate is required for tea trees to grow: in fact, it is cultivated in few countries like China, Sri Lanka or Argentina. It is because of that concerned about the impact of climate change in its production.

The UN claims that “changes in temperature patterns and precipitation —with more floods and droughts— are already affecting the yields, quality and prices of tea products“.

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Today, in addition to enjoying a good cup with this incredible infusion, we invite you to reflect on what tea means in rural development and how climate change affects its production. As humanity, we are responsible for its future scarcity, but we still have time to act.

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