“The craziest thing I’ve ever seen”

It’s one of the greatest basketball memories of a lot of people: the 2016 NBA Finals, an edition that largely enforced the desired rise of the Playoffs. Preliminary rounds all choupi, then this last step, gilded with platinum, fantastic in every way. The only announced deletion of the perfect copy that Stephen Curry will make when he retires.

It’s the story of a priest, a redhead and a cripple who are on a steamer heading for Honolulu. Our journalism studies insisted on the need for a good catchphrase to focus the reader, it’s done, now let’s move on to this paper. In 2016, LeBron James et Kyrie Irving roll on games 5, 6 and 7 of the NBA Finals. Numbers ? Two ways to present them. The brutal, simply speaking of a total of 199 points in three games. The most detailed, mentioning this Game 5 during which Kyrie and LeBron scored 41 points each, for a total of 33/54 shooting. The following match, the dean reclaims 41 points when his leader is enough for 23 units. Then came the final meeting, Game 7: 27 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists for the King, 26 points from Kyrie Irving. This is the first time in history that a team has come back from a 3-1 deficit in the Finals, the Cavaliers are on top of the Zitazounis – of the world, the worst boys will say.

For the broadcast The Old Man and The Three hosted by JJ Redick, Stephen Curry returned to the only real dark spot in his career as a Hall of Famer. The eight-time All-Star admitted that Kyrie Irving’s dagger was still a bit in his head, that he disturbed him for a long time, before returning to his final possession against Kevin Love. “If there’s one thing I know I should have done something different about, it’s this one.”. But despite what he could/should have done, all his regrets and remorse, a MEA culpa from which he never hid, Stephen Curry knows, deep down, that there was no magic wand to shake against the two monsters that were LeBron James and Kyrie Irving. Beautiful words, to savor with this video under the eyes.

“What I say about that 3-1 situation is that I’ve never seen two guys play at that level for three games in a row, it was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. Bron and Kyrie were going all out. We played well, they just played better. And it was hard to watch and be in that vibe where you couldn’t do anything. »

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