The driver and 17-year-old passenger died in a car accident

2023-10-14 10:52:29

Two young men died in a car accident in Sicheldorf in the municipality of Bad Radkersburg in southern Styria on Saturday night. The 24-year-old driver drove the vehicle off the road, crashed through a wooden hut and then hit a tree. He and his 17-year-old passenger were thrown from the car. The emergency doctor could only determine her death, the police said.

The accident happened around 12:50 a.m. on Laafelderstrasse (L205) between Laafeld and Sicheldorf. The driver had left the road to the left. The cause of this was still unclear on Saturday afternoon. Both occupants were thrown from the car in the accident, with one lying next to the wreckage and the other in front of it. Any help came too late for her. The relatives are being cared for by the crisis intervention team, according to a statement from the Styria State Police Directorate.

#driver #17yearold #passenger #died #car #accident

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